Decisions and consequences

I  realized that you don't like that much of publicity. That's why i decided to do not post this text in your TimeLine. My intention is to share this thoughts with you and not embarasse you. If you want, you can post it later. Would be a honer to me.  Well, but the thoughts that i wanna share with you and with anyone else who could possibly read this words is all about the destiny... or the actions that lead us for what we call destiny. And consequences of wich one  little decision that we take. Can you imagine how easier would be my life if i didn't have to deal with the possibility of suddenly have to say goodbye to a great friend and have to learn again how to spend time without him? But, otherwise, how  can i conceb the life now without this friend? without "you" and the amazing peoples that you introduced me. It's funny, but this realitty could never had existed... If i had decided dont go to that barbecue; if i never had started a chat; if i never had added you on Facebook and invited you to come to my place... In the end, is true: we creat our own universe! and you, better than anyone, know how far the little decisions ( or not too little) can lead us...unexpected places. Anyway, my friend, also my decision still guiding me trough my own destiny...And in some point in the midlle of this journey, we cross, and we walk together for a while. i will try make this route so big as possible, but i will accept the moment to do not walk together anymore.
Sorry if this sounds sad. shouldn't. All in our friendship should to be about have fun and laugh, cause we do this a lot. But since the last weekend, when you told me your concerns about your future, my head its full. My chest a little painfull, and sometimes a tear is about to fall...I love a drama, and i can't avoid, LOL... But all this made me think exactly about what i told before:the weight of our own decisions...the price of be envolved... with persons, with jobs, with ways of life. We have so many responsabilities and most of them we choose ourselfs. thats are the things that i am thinking about, lately. And is fair to share with you, because you made think about it. Cause i know how i will miss you. How i'll be upset for beeing far. How hard will be to go back home or see you going away...Yes, my friend, i think a lot about it and i am sure that you recognize this feeling better than me. Cause i bet that you had  beeing mading decisions that forces you to say goodbye more times that you would like. I would never be able to express the things in a way that you completly understand, but one thing i know, and this this thing is something that you have to ask to yourself everytime that your decision lead you to a hard place: "worth it?"... I think that in the most of times the answer will be "Yes". To me, altough i be completly sure of how i"ll miss you, you worth it...I am happy and blessed to know you! So, i believe, no matter what, all that you did for your future, worth it... You are ready to face your destiny and this will make you bigger. Just like to me, to be your friend, close or far, makes me bigger!
 I am sorry about this big text, but sometimes i am afraid of dont have time enough to tell you everything that i would like.
C U !
P.S: First post in english in my blog!! Correct me please, Christopher!


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